We would like to emphasize that there are numerous lawful grounds for obtaining a residence permit. GoBg experts are ready to assist you in selecting the most suitable option based on your individual circumstances. Please do not hesitate to seek our help.

Employment relations.
DetailsEngaging in entrepreneurial activity, resulting in the provision of at least 10 jobs for Bulgarian citizens.
DetailsA family member of a foreign national who has been granted a residence and work permit under the 'EU Blue Card' scheme.
DetailsUnified residence and work permit.
DetailsForeign specialists residing in the Republic of Bulgaria based on international agreements in which the Republic of Bulgaria is a party.
DetailsIndividuals with grounds to obtain the right of permanent residence or those who have married foreigners permanently residing in the country.
DetailsFamily member of a Bulgarian citizen according to Article 2, item 6 of the Law on Foreigners.
DetailsIndividuals under the special protection of the state according to Article 25 of the Law on Combating Human Trafficking.
DetailsIndividuals engaged in non-profit activities (religious ministers).
DetailsFinancially secure parents of foreigners or Bulgarian citizens permanently residing in the country.
DetailsIndividuals going for long-term treatment and possessing the financial means for treatment and maintenance.
DetailsCorrespondents of foreign mass media.
DetailsParents of a foreigner or individuals married to a foreigner who have obtained a permanent residence permit under Article 22, Paragraph 3 of the Law on Foreigners of the Republic of Bulgaria (for employees of diplomatic missions).
DetailsIndividuals engaged in independent practice.