Three Simple Steps for Obtaining a Residence Permit

Legal Basis:

  • Individuals enrolled in universities; high school students participating in exchange programs; unpaid interns.
  • Article 24c, paragraph 1, of the Law on Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria.
  • The permit is valid for up to one year.

Who it is suitable for:

  • Anyone who does not meet the requirements for other grounds.
  • People with secondary or higher education.
  • Those aspiring to learn the Bulgarian language.
  • Individuals wishing to obtain an academic degree.
  • Those planning to have access to the labor market.


  • Simple document preparation procedure.
  • High percentage of application approvals.
  • Access to the labor market.
  • Reduced state fees for obtaining a residence permit.


  • Only full-time education.
  • Two days of stay in the country count as one.
  • It is not possible to change the legal basis of stay to another.

This path allows you to legally settle in the country and is very popular among young foreigners.

Independent application for a residence permit in Bulgaria as a university enrollee

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